Transmuting Fear To Be Here Embodied - Root Chakra Activation - Transmutando Miedos para Poder Encarnar - Chakra Raiz

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Transmuting Fear To Be Here Embodied - Root Chakra Activation - Transmutando Miedos para Poder Encarnar - Chakra Raiz


This 25min transmission is a great way to work with the energy around your root center/chakra. In the root we hold many of our issues around safety and being here on Planet Earth.

WIth this transmission you have the possibility of connecting to the energy and transmute this lower frequency energy at a cellular level, coming into Balance and Alignment.

Through this transmission you will feel a sense of expansion and grounding into the body, as well as Empowerment and Harmony.

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This 25min transmission is a great way to work with the energy around your root center/chakra. In the root we hold many of our issues around safety and being here on Planet Earth.

WIth this transmission you have the possibility of connecting to the energy and transmute this lower frequency energy at a cellular level, coming into Balance and Alignment.

Through this transmission you will feel a sense of expansion and grounding into the body, as well as Empowerment and Harmony.